Creative Sustainability Workshop

April 4 - June 23

Grade 3 program in partnership with Toronto District School Board (TDSB)

SCIENCE A1 - STEM and Communication Skills: an engineering design process (EDP) provides a framework for students and teachers as they plan and build solutions to problems or develop ways to address needs that connect to the curriculum and the world around them. A3 - Applications, Connections, and Contributions: Demonstrate an understanding of the practical applications of science and technology, and of contributions to science and technology from people with diverse lived experiences.

MATH B1 - Number Sense: demonstrates an understanding of numbers and makes connections to the way numbers are used in everyday life B2. Operations use knowledge of numbers and operations to solve mathematical problems encountered in everyday life E1. Geometric and Spatial Reasoning describe and represent shape, location, and movement by applying geometric properties and spatial relationships in order to navigate the world around them E2. Measurement, compare, estimate, and determine measurements in various contexts

Inquiry Questions:
What materials can we use to create different kinds of living spaces now and in the future?

What housing designs are most sustainable?

What materials are being used to create homes that are environmentally friendly?

What materials can we use to create different kinds of living spaces now and in the future?

What will students learn?

Day 1 – Learn how to create their own architectural design using elements in math (Gr3 numeracy, spatial sense) Materials: Rulers, pencils, scissors, glue, large screen, data projector, laptop Day 2 - Work with Lego to build their dream home. Materials: Lego. Day 3 - Build their home out of recyclable materials. Materials: Rulers, pencils, scissors, glue, large screen, data projector, laptop, milk cartons, paint, hot glue gun, cardboard. Day 4 – Come together to create a community with the finished homes. Students put their creations together to create a community. Materials: Noreen will show what drywall is and bring it - actual skilled trade

Provided - paint, paint brushes, glue guns and sticks for the guns, data projector, laptop, large screen, lego, rulers, pencils, scissors, glue sticks

Please bring - old shirts, milk cartons, containers, cereal boxes, cardboard boxes

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